How to Counsel Those Who Doubt

When Christ saved me from legalism and led me a saving knowledge of him, tendrils of legalism remained wrapped on me. Every sin I caught myself in was further ammunition I used against any assurance of salvation I had. As I stood worshipping alongside my friends at my Christian university, I put on a smile, but inwardly wondered if I was righteous enough to sing any kind of praise to God. I wondered if any of the promises we heard, any of the words we sang, even applied to me. At times, I tried to make deals with God. If I do better, will I feel your love then? If I try harder, will I feel secure? Will you take note of me if I somehow force away these sins? I felt choked by doubt because I couldn’t will away these sins.

I am not writing this article as a professional, experienced counselor striving to teach other counselors—I am nothing of the sorts. I am writing this as a believer who has battled her way through the thorns of doubt, and who has discerned both the good and poor counsel given from others. I also come with humility, recognizing the times I have given the same gut-wrenching, doubt-inducing counsel that was once given to me.

If there is anything to be taken away from this, I hope it is this: Let’s counsel those who doubt with the gospel—not their works.

Read the rest of this article in the latest edition of Truth For Life.

Lara d'Entremont

Hey, friend! I’m Lara d’Entremont—follower of Christ, wife, mother, and biblical counsellor. My desire in writing is to teach women to turn to God’s Word in the midst of their daily life and suffering to find the answers they need. She wants to teach women to love God with both their minds and hearts.

Learning to Love Our Bodies


When God Withholds The Warmth and Sunshine