Welcome to My Journal!

UPDATE: I’ve moved my regular writing to Substack! This is now my archives.

Here on my blog, I love to write personal stories, truths I’m learning from studying Scripture, lessons I’ve learned from those wiser than me, and what God is teaching me through writing.

I’d for you sit back in your favourite chair while the little ones sleep or while you’re on break from work and read a bit of what I’m thinking on these days. Feel free to reach out with any questions or thoughts of your own!

Ordinary Faith Lara d'Entremont Ordinary Faith Lara d'Entremont

Renewing the Joy of Christian Reading

As believers, we may feel the pressure to only ever read Christian nonfiction. Yet God, in his grace, has provided more than just that: He’s provided fiction and poetry as well. Perhaps you feel weary and burnt out from all the Christian nonfiction you’ve been reading, and the joy of reading at all has dissipated. Based on my own journey, here’s how I renewed the joy of reading from all kinds of genres.

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Ordinary Faith Lara d'Entremont Ordinary Faith Lara d'Entremont

God Made Me a Storyteller

I grew up writing and weaving stories—stories of chasing wild horses, children with mystical powers, and worlds unlike ours. But then as I grew up, I thought I had to outgrow fairytales, too. I had to write only inspirational articles and how-tos that told people what to think and believe. Yet as I cradled little children in my arms and read stories to them, and the scorching fires of suffering charred me, the inspirational and how-tos started to feel a little trite. I turned to stories for life, and my love was rekindled. Now, I want to help you rekindle that child-like heart that loves the fairytales and stories and show you how they can impact your faith as well.

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